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How to Create a Channel and Add Members

Channels are conversations between members of the same company on Workstorm. 

To create a Channel

  1. Click the blue New+ button at the top-left corner of the screen and select Channel 
  1. Enter a name for the channel 
  1. Click Create 
  1. In the Channel Settings pop-up menu, search for the users you want to add 
  1. To promote from Member to Admin, check the Admin box 
  1. To remove a member, click on the red trash can icon next to their name 
  1. Click Update Members 
  1. To invite others to join the Channel, copy the Invite Link or, in the Invites tab, input their name and email and click Send Invite 
  1. In the Settings tab, you can rename the Channel, change its privacy and notifications settings, and, if necessary, you can delete the Channel
  1. Exit the pop-up to begin using the Channel 


  • For more information on promoting and demoting members of a Channel, click here 
  • For more information on inviting External users, click here 

Updated on July 19, 2024

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