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  3. How to Create an External Channel

How to Create an External Channel

External Channels are conversations where at least one person is from outside the organization. 

To start an External Channel

  1. Click the blue New+ button at the top-left corner of the screen and select Channel 
  1. Enter a name for the channel 
  1. Click Create 
  1. In the Channel Settings pop-up menu, begin searching for and adding internal users 
  1. Invite the external user: 
  • If the user already has an account, then you can simply search for them here. Then, click Update Members
  • If the user does not have an account, then you can invite them by email. Click on the Invites tab and enter their email address and name. Then, click Send Invite
  1. Confirm that you wish to start an External Channel with someone outside your organization 
Updated on July 26, 2024

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