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Workstreams Overview

Note: Workstreams must be enabled by Workstorm. 

A Stream is a unified dashboard designed to help manage projects and matters. They organize Tasks, Channels, and Files into one pane of glass, allowing teams to collaborate securely and efficiently. 

Tasks Overview 

Channels Overview 

Files Overview 

To learn how to create Streams as an Admin, click here

Tasks Overview

Any member of a Stream can create a Task. Stream Admins, the Task Owner, and Assignees of the Task can update existing Tasks. Please see the following table for a breakdown of Task permissions: 

Role  Description  Access  
Stream Admin  Manages a specific Stream  Can edit details, upload files, and monitor activity of all Tasks in the Stream  
Task Owner  Created the Task  Can edit details, upload files, and monitor activity of the Task  
Task Assignee  Assigned to the Task  Can edit details, upload files, and monitor activity of the Task 
Task Watcher  Granted visibility on the Task  Can view details, upload files, and monitor activity of the Task 

Tasks Panel 

The Tasks panel provides a brief overview of tasks you have permission to view or edit in a Stream. Click on the Tasks header to open the full Tasks dashboard. By default, the panel and dashboard sort tasks by Due Date. Select a column header or adjacent arrow to sort Tasks by the ascending or descending values in that column. 

Additionally, select the Settings gear icon beside the Tasks header to customize the order in which the panel or dashboard displays your Tasks. Check or uncheck boxes to show or hide the columns. Click and drag the ellipsis to the left of each name to change the order of columns. 

Tasks Dashboard 

The Tasks dashboard provides a detailed view of all tasks you have permission to view or edit in a Stream. 

In addition to sorting and restructuring columns, members of a Stream can also filter tasks by specific field value. Select from the list of Quick Filters provided, or click +Add Filter to create your own. 

Channels Overview

Members of a Stream can only view the Stream Channels to which they are added. 

For more information on how to use Channels, click here

Channels Panel 

The Channels panel provides a view of recent activity in your Stream Channels. Click on the pop-out icon to open the Channel in a new tab, or the ellipsis to quickly start a call and view files. 

Click on the Channels header to open the full Channels dashboard. Depending on the number of Channels in the dashboard, you can also click Go to Channels or View all on the right side of the panel. 

Channels Dashboard 

The Channels dashboard displays a view of all the Channels to which you have access within the Stream. You can send messages, start a video conference, and share files within each Channel. To return to the Stream dashboard, click on the Stream link in the top-left corner of the screen. 

Files Overview

Members of a Stream may view all files shared via one of the following methods: 

  • Shared within a Stream Channel, of which they are a member. 
  • Uploaded to a task, of which they are an Owner, Assignee, or Watcher. 
  • Uploaded directly to the Files panel or dashboard by any Stream member. 

For more information about file storage in Workstorm, click here

Files Panel 

The Files panel provides a view of all accessible files in a Stream. Click the + Upload File button to upload a file directly to the Stream for any member to access. Click on a file to preview it and access the Full View, Download, Re-share, and Delete options. Click on the Files header to open the full Files dashboard. 

Files Dashboard 

In the Files dashboard, search the repository for files shared with you in the Stream. Click on a file to preview and view the full range of options, or quickly click on the icons to the right to Preview, Download, or Reshare. 

Updated on March 3, 2025