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How to use Templates 

Any member of a Stream can create a Template to streamline the creation and organization of similar or duplicate tasks. Templates can only be created from existing Tasks. To create a Template: 

  1. Open the Task from which you would like to make the Template. 
  1. In the Task Details pop-up window, click on the Templates drop-down in the bottom-left corner. 
  1. Click Mark as Template
  1. Name the template and click Save as Template. 

To apply a Template to a new Task: 

  1. Click the +Add Task button. 
  1. In the bottom-left of the New Task pop-up, click on the Templates drop-down. 
  1. Click Apply Template and select one from the list provided. 

Templates can be renamed or deleted by Stream Admins in the Manage Stream menu. Additionally, the Stream member who created the Template can access these same options from the Stream Details menu. To rename or delete a Template: 

  1. In the left sidebar, click on the ellipsis to the right of the Stream name and select Manage Stream
  1. Click on the Templates tab. 
  1. Click on the ellipsis to the right of the Template and select Rename or Delete
Updated on February 18, 2025