New Features: Stream and Task Dashboards
- Stream Dashboard
- Streams introduces three major features: (1) task creation and management, (2) file sharing and storage, and (3) team collaboration in channels.
- Permissions and Roles:
- Company admins can appoint global stream admins (GSA).
- GSAs have permission to:
- create streams,
- add or remove members, internal or external guests, and
- appoint or demote stream admins (SA).
- GSAs can appoint themselves as a SA.
- GSAs can also view stream details and manage all streams in the company, limited to the aforementioned permissions, even if the stream was created by another GSA.
- GSAs have permission to:
- Global Streams Admins can appoint a Stream Admin (SA):
- SAs have permission to:
- add or remove members, internal or external guests,
- create channels specifically for collaboration in the stream, and
- manage stream channels by adding or removing channel members and appointing or demoting channel admins.
- Only SAs can become channel admins.
- SAs have permission to:
- Members added to the channel that are not already a member of the stream will become a Stream Member.
- Stream Members have permission to:
- create tasks, manage tasks they created or are assigned to, and view tasks where they were added as a watcher, which doesn’t allow any task management privileges;
- collaborate in any channels where they are members and upload files to the channel;
- Only members of the channel will have access to the files from the channel itself or in the stream’s file repository.
- upload files to the stream’s file repository, which provides access to those files to all stream members; and
- upload files to a task.
- The owner (task creator), assignee, and watcher will have access to this file from the task itself and the stream’s file repository. A stream admin has the option to grant itself permission to view a certain task’s files.
- Stream Members have permission to:
- Company admins can appoint global stream admins (GSA).
- Enable and Disable Streams
- When a GSA creates a stream, it remains in a disabled state until an SA enables the stream. GSAs can also be assigned the role of SA.
- While disabled, the SA can create and manage channels and create custom fields. However, while disabled, the SA cannot add tasks or upload files.
- When the stream is enabled, stream members are alerted that they were added to a stream, and the dashboard becomes available to all members. As a result, stream members can collaborate in channels, create and assign tasks, and upload files to the stream or a specific task or channel.
- View and Manage All Tasks in Streams
- Even if the SA is not the owner or assignee of the task, they can view it, update fields, mark and unmark it as a template, and delete the task.
- SAs can create custom fields that may be required or non-required and added to tasks by stream members that either create a task or are assigned to the task.
- Custom fields can have values that are text based, number based, or a multiple-choice selection that can contain text and/or number options.
- A default value for each custom field is chosen by the SA and it will appear as the custom field’s value when added to a task.
- Required custom fields are added to all tasks in the stream by default and can’t be removed unless the SA deletes the custom field.
- Non-required custom fields can be added to tasks on a per task basis.
- Only the SA, owner, and assignee can update the value of the required and non-required custom field from the default value and add or remove non-required custom fields in a task.
- SAs, task owners, and task assignees have permission to view and manage all tasks in the stream.
- Custom fields can have values that are text based, number based, or a multiple-choice selection that can contain text and/or number options.
- SAs can view and manage all task templates in the stream and:
- edit template names,
- delete templates, which doesn’t also delete the underlying task, and
- unmark tasks as templates.
- Task Dashboard
- From a stream’s task dashboard, which is unique to each stream member, members can create new tasks and manage and update tasks based on their permissions.
- Members can also create templates from existing tasks, view metrics on the status and priority of their tasks, and search and filter for specific tasks.
- Sorting is also available to organize task columns by field values, such as task name, status, priority, assignee, owner, start and due date, and custom fields.
- In the task’s feature menu accessed from the app’s left side bar, a stream member can search for the appropriate stream and create a task without needing to be in the stream dashboard itself.
- There is also an “All Tasks” dashboard, which provides access to tasks from all streams where the user is a member and has appropriate permissions to those tasks.
- Sorting, searching and filtering is available in the “All Tasks” dashboard.
- There is also an “All Tasks” dashboard, which provides access to tasks from all streams where the user is a member and has appropriate permissions to those tasks.
- Updated the channel icon to a hashtag.
- Squashed bugs.